I always have a teacher or librarian in my books because I believe that when you are in school, one great adult can have a lasting impact on your life. My seventh grade teacher Mr. Glick is featured in STANFORD WONG FLUNKS BIG-TIME. He scared the heebie jeebies out of his students, and they loved him for that . . .

I used to be terrified of him, and still am a little, however we are now friends. Last year Mr. Glick even visited my house and scared the heebie jeebies out of me and Son . . .

Then there's Mrs. Carlson, who taught Son when he was in elementary school. She was kind enough to let me borrow her name for the Bobby Ellis-Chan books) about a fourth grader. Here's "Mrs. Carlson" as she appears in the novels and what she looks like in real life . . .

I am always so impressed by creative ways teachers have come up to teach my books. Here's Mr. Lee and some of the projects his student did with one of my books . . .

One teacher even brought Rover, Bobby's goldfish, into the classroom . . .

So when I heard from Lisa Cromley who teaches 6th grade at Westtown School in West Chester, PA I was totally intrigued. Here's what she wrote:
"My students are big fans of Millicient Min and Stanford Wong. To capture plot, character, setting and other details from their summer reading books, students created FakeBook pages that focused on the timeline and information."
Here are some of their FakeBook pages . . .

I don't have room to show all the terrific FakeBook pages, however I can show you Ms. Cromley's amazing students . . .

Speaking school, I now have a resource page on my NEW AND IMPROVED website for teachers and librarians!"

NEXT BLOG: How to stop procrastinating and start writing.
Live in or near Long Beach, CA (or have access to a car, train, bus or plane)? Then come see me at Apostrophe Books on January 21, 2012. I'll be there from noon to 1:30 p.m.!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.

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Lisa Yee

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