Saturday, November 27, 2010

Conference Confidential - Yes, There's More

When last we were in blogland together, Peepy and I were at the NCTE conference in Orlando. Well, guess what? We're still there, thanks to our Time Machine!

The next morning was time for the Scholastic Literary Brunch. Hosted by the-man-with-the-best-English-accent-at-the-conference, John Mason, Scholastic's Director of Library and Educational Marketing, he introduced these authors who read from their upcoming books . . .

Photobucket(That would be Derrick Barnes, Lois Lowry, Judy Blundell, Pam Munoz Ryan, Kirby Larson, and Moi.)

Speaking of accents, here's the cast of HARRY POTTER attempting "American accents" . . .

Oops! Didn't mean to get distracted by the Brits. Back to the luncheon.

I followed Lois Lowry (squeeeeeee!!!) and read from WARP SPEED, which will be out in March. Here's the audience brunching, then looking at Peepy . . .

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When Kirby read, she dressed accordingly. My go-to guy for the STAR TREK references in the book, Trekker Ed Masessa, was there cheering us all on . . .


After, it was fun to hobnob with Walter Mayes . . .

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In the evening we were back at Disney where the conference was being held. It was now time for the ALAN reception. It was a glittering soiree of educators, authors and characters . . .
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Lots of authors "Got Peeped" that night, including, Gary Paulson, Alyson Noel, and Marlene Perez . . .

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Sneed Collard, Alex Flinn, and Ned Vizzini were Peeped, too . . .

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We also got to hang out with Siobhan Vivian, Rachel Cohn, and Ann Angel . . .

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The last time we saw Malinda Lo we were Skyping together. And here's Cindy Pon, and Scholastic editor and author, Andrea Pinkney . . .

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In the morning it was time for the ALAN conference. I was on a panel with Laura Resau, Jewell Parker Rhodes and Art Corriveau . . .

(Art was hiding when the photo was taken.)

We spoke to these 500 smart, witty, attractive uber readers/educators . . .

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When it was time for the book signing, the line went around the room, out the door, and all the way to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios . . .

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Speaking of HARRY POTTER . . .

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I'll be blogging about Peepy's adventures at the Wizarding World next!

Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.

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