Thursday, April 19, 2012

R. Michelson Galleries and Is That You, Mr. Spock?

Yes, the R. Michelson Galleries is the place to go to see/buy art from the top names in children's literature, like this up and comer . . .


However, there's also other art there, too. We asked, Richard Michelson how he got started with his gallery and his books (he's an award-winning children's book author). Here's what he said . . .

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Rich: "When I was young I wanted to be a poet. I wasn't good in school, but I had a high school teacher, Mr. Ketchum, who got me reading, and I fell in love with words."

After graduating, Rich went on to sell posters and art to college students out of the trunk of his car, not because he loved art, but because it was a job. On the side, he continued to work on his poems.

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One day, Rich went to an art museum, because he thought that knowing about "real art" would make him a better salesperson. It was there that he finally understood the power of art.

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"After that, I wanted to open my own gallery. My boss didn't want me to, so we played ping pong. If I lost, I had to work for him for three more years. If he lost, he'd stake me in my dream to open a gallery."

The boss lost.

The R. Michelson Galleries has grown since those ping pong days. It now inhabits a stately bank building in the heart of downtown Northampton, MA . . .


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Rich's writing career has taken off, too. And not only does he write children's books, but he's a well-known poet.


Gallery-wise, Rich represents a who's who in children's picture book art. He also represents other artists, like Kurt Vonnegut. That's right. Kurt Vonnegut . . .

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Kurt Vonnegut even drew this for Rich . . .

(It's inscribed to "Richard, Ping Pong Hustler.")

Here's more art . . .

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Wait! What's that . . . ? Hey, it's the work of our dear friend Jeanne Birdsall, National Book Award Winner AND photographer . . .

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(That's right. Jeanne's photography is even in the Smithsonian!)

Rich also represents another photographer. Perhaps you've heard of him? Leonard Nimoy a.k.a. Mr. Spock. The two are quite close and Rich even got this for me when WARP SPEED, my novel about a Star Trek geek who worships Mr. Spock, came out . . .


So it's no surprise that Leonard Nimoy's photography is represented exclusively by the R. Michelson Gallery . . .


I dunno, though. When I look at the two of them together, I see a resemblance. Do you?

(Photo Credit: Silvia Mautner Photography)

I asked Rich outright, "Are you Leonard Nimoy's long lost son?"


Rich hesitated, then replied. "There is no truth to that rumor. I deny it, right now, right here on your blog."

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Hmmm . . . I'm not totally convinced. When I asked him to say it again, this time without smiling, he couldn't do it.



Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.

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Upcoming Events . . .


11:00-12:00 NOON: signing at Scholastic/Diesel booth with Dan Santat
1:00 PM-2:00 PM: signing at Once Upon a Time booth with Dan Santat
4:00-5:00 PM: signing at USC Civil Engagement Booth

12:15-1:30 PM: signing at USC Civil Engagement Booth
1:30-2:30 PM: signing at Scholastic/Diesel booth

Lisa Yee
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