We'll get to that soon. But first, Storyworks magazine had this totally cool contest . . . they asked kids to "create a character."
The winning character would then come to life on the magazine pages, via a short story written by a published author. There were over TEN THOUSAND entries!!!!
Past authors who have penned Create a Story stories include . . . that gaggle of author pictured with Peepy, above!!! (Well, all but one.)
So then, this is how it worked. Out of the 10,000 entries, I was sent the Top 20 . . .
It was a HARD CHOICE to pick just one . . .
But I selected Claire's entry about a girl named Rian Shoe from Salem, Oregon . . .
As always, I did an outline and wrote the story using my Scrivener program . . .
Here's "The Great Fix-It Fiasco" . . .
Claire and her classmates will receive autographed copies of my books BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) and WARP SPEED . . .
Um. Puppy did not want me to sign books. She wanted to play . . .
Speaking of short stories, I also have another one out right now at this very moment! This one's in American Girl magazine, and called, "Kanani Saves the Day" . . .
Changing subjects here, although still in a story-telling mode, one of the hardest things to write can be the antagonists, that is -- the bad guy. So this August at the SCBWI Summer Conference, I'll be teaching a writer's intensive class called "Creating Compelling Bad Guys and Bullies" . . .
If you haven't signed up for the conference yet, better hurry. Just look at this line up of the best editors, authors and illustrators in the business!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
CLICK HERE to win a FREE copy of WARP SPEED!!!
Live in or near Los Angeles, or want to visit? Then come to the Los Angeles Time Festival of Books! I'll be there (along with tons of other authors) on April 30 and May 1st!!!!
Here's a lineup of who will be on the Target Stage. (I'll be there Saturday at 4 pm, then signing with Scholastic at noon on Sunday!)
Lisa Yee
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