The Kauai Visitors Bureau and the Kauai Monk Seal Watch Program (KMSWP) held an essay contest, along with KONG, FM. I was one of the judges, and here's my super secret ballot . . .
And the winner was Eva Wilson . . .
In addition to reading her award-winning essay live on the radio, she was given an American Girl Kanani doll, and book autographed by Moi!
The island scenery was magnificent . . .
Before we knew it, it was time to head home. But first, there was a spectacular dinner at the Grand Hyatt Resort with members of the press . . .
(That's with Cindy Richards, editor of the super cool Traveling Mom, with Dr. Charles Littnan of NOAA, and Moi)
The next day was a Drawing Contest at the Kauai Beach Resort. Each girl was given a box of Crayons instructed to include Kanani and a monk seal on Kauai (in the American Girl stories, Kanani helps rescue, then raise money, to help save the seals) . . .
Then, it was time for the honorable judges to do their thing . . .
While they were judging, my American Girl editor, Jennifer Hirsch, sang . . .
(Actually, she talked about how the Kanani books and doll were created.)
Then, it was my turn. I discussed global economics and Peepy. Oh, and what it was like to write the Kanani books . . .
Sue Kanoho, from the Kauai Visitors Bureau, greeted Eva, who was invited to read her essay and serve as a judge. Here we are in our tastefully chic color-coordinated ensembles . . .
Hawaii Stream was there filming, so of course, they sought out Peepy . . .
Drawing prizes included Kanani books and a plush monk seal . . .
(That's me giving out books, since I am an author. And that's Charles giving out a monk seal since he's a monk seal -- er, monk seal expert.)
Look! It's the first place winners. Both girls won American Girl Kanani dolls . . .
In the 11-12 years old category is Nalani Thain . . .
And Isabella Fox took 1st Place for the 8-10 years olds . . .
Here's Hawaii Stream's video of the event . . .
Ah, what a wonderful time we had in Kaua'i! Here's Peepy, reminiscing and having her last bowl of saimen before leaving the island . . .
We're home now, but were able to bring back some great memories of Kauai . . .
If you weren't able to make it to Kauai to hear me talk about creating the Kanani stories, you can at GIRL DOLL TALK. Yes! A couple of girls interviewed me for their site. CLICK HERE to listen to the interview.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Live in or near Los Angeles, or want to visit? Then come to the Los Angeles Time Festival of Books! I'll be there (along with tons of other authors) on April 30 and May 1st!!!!
Here's a lineup of who will be on the Target Stage. (I'll be there Saturday at 4 pm, then signing with Scholastic at noon on Sunday!)
Lisa Yee
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