But now I'm back in Boston. Sort of.
Huh? Well, again, via the magic of my Time Machine, I am able to take you back to the glorious afternoon I spent in Bean Town. After the shenanigans at The Blue Bunny, Peeps and I spent the afternoon visiting places like Trinity Church . . .
The Boston Public Library had critters nearby . . .
Peepy tried to ice skate . . .
She didn't do too well, but was consoled by a cupcake . . .
However, the highlight of the day was a visit to the Boston Athenauem to visit the Edward Gorey Exhibit!!!
We weren't allowed to take photos of the exhibit, however, librarian Suzanne Terry gave us a private tour of the Children's Library! She also introduced us to a lovely Madeline doll who travels the world, like Peepy!
As many of you know, I have the second largest collection of Winnie-the-Poohs in America . . .
They reside in the Pooh Museum in White River, Canada. Well, here are some Poohs that I don't have (yet). They live in the Boston Athenaeum Children's Library with Madeline . . .
Ah, what a lovely afternoon. A children's library AND Edward Gorey? B is for Bliss.
Speaking of drawings, I recently heard from an Art Center grad student. He invited me to his thesis presentation. Now, I often get, er, interesting requests, like the time someone wanted a pair of my shoes, and normally, I decline, since one never knows what's to become of things.
However, when Zen Wang explained that he found me while waiting in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, I thought it was fate that I should attend, and I'm glad I did.
(Zen was looking for an Asian American author and he picked up a newspaper that mentioned my appearance here.)
Here's Zen and the Dancing with the Stars judges. (Or maybe they were his teachers? Hard to tell since they had such great moves.)
And, look! Here's the charming book he created as part of his project . . .
To see Zen's conceptual work, CLICK HERE.
And finally, you gotta check out Bob Boyle's GEEK LIFE . . .
Bob (Emmy Award winning creator of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! and author/illustrator of Hugo and the Really, Really, Really Long String and Celebrity Judge) referenced an author who has problems with internet addiction. I won't tell you who it is, but here's a hint: It's one of these two . . .
CLICK HERE to see the comic, and who the author is.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
CLICK HERE to win a FREE copy of WARP SPEED!!!
Live in or near Los Angeles, or want to visit? Then come to the Los Angeles Time Festival of Books! I'll be there (along with tons of other authors) on April 30 and May 1st!!!!
Here's a lineup of who will be on the Target Stage. (I'll be there Saturday at 4 pm, then signing with Scholastic at noon on Sunday!)
Lisa Yee
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