Well, Scholastic rejiggered it to make it into a book trailer!!! See . . .
Of course, it's not to be confused with the other book trailer/interview for WARP SPEED . . .
Not too long ago, my Peep and I were at the most awesome Apostrophe Books in Long Beach, CA . . .
Our book(s) signing was held outside . . .
There was free fun and free marshmallow Peeps for all!!!
Although, some had more fun than others . . .
Hey! Ours wasn't the only book signing recently. My pal, the sensational Sonya Sones is out with a fabulous new book . . . THE HUNCHBACK OF NEIMAN MARCUS! (True Trivia: While in college, I worked in the stationery department of Neiman Marcus, Beverly Hills.)
What were we looking at? Why, this gorgeous spread that Sonya put out, of course!!!
In other news, here's an an interview for Amazing Kids magazine with nine-year old reporter Anni . . .
It began like this . . .
To read the rest, CLICK HERE!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
CLICK HERE to win a FREE copy of WARP SPEED!!!
Live in or near Los Angeles, or want to visit? Then come to the Los Angeles Time Festival of Books! I'll be there (along with tons of other authors) on April 30 and May 1st!!!!
Here's a lineup of who will be on the Target Stage. (I'll be there Saturday at 4 pm, then signing with Scholastic at noon on Sunday!)
Lisa Yee
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