Owned by the amazing author/illustrator Peter Reynolds, the small gem of a bookstore is a family affair, with Peter’s twin brother Paul around and Janet, Paul’s wife running it.
Peter illustrates my friend Megan McDonald's JUDY MOODY books, and Megan and I worked together for American Girl, when she wrote the JULIE books and I wrote her best friend's book, GOOD LUCK, IVY. I'm not going to say, "it's a small world," because that's so cliche. However, it is, after all.
Legend has it that Blue Bunny was originally called "The Yellow Bunny Who is Named Peepy." I'm not sure why they changed the name.
Our facebook friend Margie first suggested our visit to the store . . .
(That's Margie on the right, and from the left, Paul Reynold's, Peter's twin, and Cheryl, Moi and Janet, who is the manager, and is married to Paul, which would make her Peter's sister-in-law, and/or would make Peter her husband's brother.)
The event was wonderful and not only did I sign my American Girl books, but the very first copies of my new novel, WARP SPEED, and others!
I got to see old friends and make new ones. The first photo is of author/illustrator David Biedrzycki (not that he’s old), and the second is of illustrator Liz Goulet Dubois and her family (they also came to see me HERE!) . . .
Paul, who's the CEO of Fablevision, snapped the following shots of these readers with their Kanani books . . .
Peeps was given all sorts of great swag, including a signed edition of Peter Reynold's latest book, ROSE'S GARDEN . . .
Very cool! But the coolest thing of all was how well everyone at The Blue Bunny knew their customers. It was as if they were all friends, which I suspect they were. Of course, Peepy ran around and made new friends, too . . .
She was thrilled to hobnob with fellow bunnies and do bunny talk . . .
When we got home, Peepy ran into her her dear friend Priscilla. It so happened that world-traveler Pricilla was looking to settle down. "Somewhere nice," she said. So, of course, Peepy had to tell her ALL about The Blue Bunny bookstore . . .
And guess what? Pricilla now has a new home!!! Thanks for sending the photo, Margie . . .
Now, I know what you are all thinking. Yes, who are those people with those baseball caps? Well, here's a little known fact . . . we have our own posse and they also double as bodyguards.
For example, if some of our gazillion fans get too close to Peepy, then this happens . . .
Saved by the Yee Posse, again! I can't reveal the members' names, but I can give you a hint about the fearless leader . . .
(Hint: It's National Book Award Winner Jeanne Birdsall!!!!.)
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
This Saturday, March 12 at 1:30 pm at Boston Court, Pasadena performing in ARTTalk!!!! CLICK HERE for more information.
Here's the Vroman's invite for the WARP SPEED and BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) Launch Party . . .
The week of March 21, I'll be in Kaua'i speaking about how the American Girl/Kanani books were created.
Plus, if you're in the Los Angeles area, stop by my book signing at Apostrophe in Long Beach, CA on April 2nd.
Lisa Yee
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