After a exhilarating DAY ONE, there was more fun to be had. Before beginning school visits, we checked out the historic town of Koloa . . .
Then we talked about monk seals and the Kanani books with Mr. Pau's fourth grade class at Koloa Elementary, and then with Nathan's class at Island School . . .
Later, we headed to the Kaua'i Visitors Bureau to judge an essay contest about Kaua'i and the endangered Hawaiian monk seals. Here's the super secret code I used when figuring out my top picks . . .
(I'll reveal the winner in another blog, to give you time to try to Dan Brown it and crack the code.)
The scenery continued to bedazzle us. However, even more bedazzling was Peepy who was given a lei and her own puka shell necklace . . .
It was a very exciting day for us because . . . WE SAW A HAWAIIAN MONK SEAL!!!
(Insert MONK SEAL HERE -- um . . . I forgot to take a picture. That's how exciting it was. Trust me.)
While in Kaua'i, we also spoke at Kilauea School . . .
On our way back, we stopped for a world famous Duane's Ono Burger . . .
It was wonderful and so was the location. Plus, we were visited by roosters and chickens!
In the Kanani books, she has a pet rooster named Jinx. There's also a chicken in the book named Sue. I named her after Sue Kanoho, Executive Director of the Kaua'i Visitors Bureau. Good thing Sue has a sense of humor! Look what she gave me . . . my very own SUE THE CHICKEN . . .
Mahalo, Sue!
Stay tuned for more Kaua'i Adventures.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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