Peeps was beyond please when we arrived because bunny-themed presents awaited her . . .
There was even a poster contest touting our visit. Here are some of the winners . . .
Wait! Who's that? Why, it's Super Librarian Sherrie Hughes holding the the first place poster . . .
Speaking of Sherrie, look the fabulous displays she created in her library. It was so cool because everything there somehow related to my life!!!
Soon it was time to speak to these good-looking 7th graders who transported themselves into the gym. Then, without prompting, held up the Vulcan sign in honor of WARP SPEED . . .
During the break, we hung out with the faculty and feasted on the most amazing cinnamon rolls. Here's the staff who, without prompting, held up the Vulcan sign in honor of WARP SPEED . . .
Mr. Silva's talented 8th grade honors English class was next. We were astonished because, without prompting, everyone held up the Vulcan sign in honor of WARP SPEED . . .
We taught a workshop and made the kids work, work, work. When I had them revise a paragraph for the fifth time, someone yelled, "We want our teacher back!!!"
From there it was the 8th grade assembly. Here's are the smart 8th graders who, without prompting, held up the Vulcan sign in honor of WARP SPEED . . .
Before we hit the road, it was time for . . . more food!!! The luncheon took place in the library and Peepy was the guest of honor . . .
(BTW, that's iced tea that Peepy was drinking.)
Finally, it was time to leave. But not before Peepy was awarded the Burton Middle School Award of Everything for being so fabulous . . .
On the topic of fabulous, the fabulous Christopher Cheng interviewed me about my mess . . . er, desk . . . CLICK HERE to read all about it!
And finally, finally, our visit to The Blue Bunny was in Publishers Weekly!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
The week of March 21, I'll be in Kaua'i speaking about how the American Girl/Kanani books were created.
If you're in the Los Angeles area, stop by my WARP SPEED book signing at Apostrophe in Long Beach, CA on April 2nd . . . . . .
Lisa Yee
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