After Atlanta, we flew to New York for the sixth city of our American Girl book tour.
We got in the afternoon, and headed to Scholastic where many of my other books are published, like WARP SPEED which is out this week! And look, it's my editor, Arthur Levine, and the picture book he authored, MONDAY IS ONE DAY . . .
It's always fun seeing Tracy van Straaten, VP of publicity, who coined the phrase, "Got Peeped." Here she is with my publicist, Lauren Felsenstein who was celebrating her birthday . . .
Later, Peepy had a top secret meeting with Stacy Lellos, VP of marketing. (Peeps is trying to get buzz for her epic memoir/fashion tips book.)
Soon it was time for Peepy's interview with Michael Strouse who's not only the manager of the Scholastic Store, but he blogs for Scholastics OOM (On Our Mind) . . .
The interview was great, and Michael even interviewed me, too.
Suddenly, it was dinner time. Luckily, author Sarah Darer Littman came to town! It was a working dinner, since Sarah and I are creating a new blog/website called Dear Author, featuring hilarious and heartwarming letters fans have written to their favorite authors. When it debuts, you will be the first to know!
The next day, I Google mapped the entire city of New York. (I get lost very easily.)
Peepy and I were looking forward to meeting my/our agent, Jodi Reamer of Writer's House, for lunch at the Monkey Bar. Peeps couldn't wait to see the monkeys . . .
While Jodi was agenting on the phone, Peepy felt slighted. However, Jodi made it up to her by sharing a slice of chocolate cake . . .
After cake, it was time for a book signing at the NY American Girl Place near Rockefeller Plaza . . .
We signed lots of KANANI books!
It was fun meeting young readers, library students, and Kanani fans . . .
Peeps was exhausted from talking to everyone, but insisted on hanging out even more friends . . .
When we left the store, it was dark outside . . .
We headed to the totally delicious Turkish Kitchen for dinner with Storyworks editor/author Lauren Tarshis and author Tommy Greenwald. (I've got a short story coming out soon in Storyworks magazine!)
What a wonderful whirlwind visit to NY. We slept well that night!
NEXT BLOG: Boston!!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Want to see me participate in a PERFORMANCE ART marathon in Pasadena, CA this Saturday, March 12? If so, CLICK HERE for details.
Here's the video invite for the WARP SPEED and BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) Launch Party . . .
Plus, if you're in the Los Angeles area, stop by my book signing at Apostrophe in Long Beach, CA on April 2nd.
CLICK HERE to visit the Lisa Yee and Son YouTube Channel.
Lisa Yee
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