My latest tizzy? This . . .
(Bugs in photo are larger than in real life.)
Yes, bedbugs.
I travel A LOT, and just know that the little buggers are laying in wait to attack me, then to hitch a ride home with me to infest my house and loved ones.
Before I left for Arlington, VA, I checked out the Bedbug Registry. Noooo, it's not where bedbugs say what wedding gifts they want -- it's a place where you can find out where they hang out . . .
Hooray! My hotel was not on the list. But to make sure, I did my own checking, and gave it an "all clear" . . .
(Above: Photo of no bedbugs.)
Phew! That meant I could enjoy my time at the SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) Mid-Altantic Conference without itching. (Bedbugs bite.) And enjoy, I did!
We received such a warm welcome . . .
(Peepy was so excited to receive her own very special name tag, that she has renamed the SCBWI to "SCBWIP" - Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and Peep.)
It was fun seeing old friends (as in "I've known you before," not as in "Man, you have aged!") and new. Here are agents Sarah Davies and Jill Corcoran, with author Sarah Lewis Holmes waving her hands, trying to get Peepy's attention . . .
It was great to hear former lawyer and current National Book Award Finalist Kathryn Erskine speak. Later, she and Peepy bonded over their matching accessories . . .
I had my own conniption because, remember my love for my Book Book? That is, my laptop cover that looks like a book . . .
Well . . . someone else at the conference had a Book Book, too!!!!
Yes! Super editor, Andrea Tompa from Candlewick Press had the exquisite good taste to own one.
Only, then I thought, hmmmmm . . . what if our Book Books got switcheroo-ed? Then what? Would Andrea really want a MacBook full of photos of my dog? (Well, probably, yes since Puppy is so cute.)
Still, I felt I needed to come up with a genius solution to the possible switcheroo situation. Here's what I did . . .
I put my name on my Book Book! (At first I was going to write it on the front, then DUH . . . it should go on the spine!)
Oops, back to the convention. Soon it was time to critique manuscripts. That's where you sit down one-on-one and discuss writer's WIP (work-in-progress) . . .
After, it was time for the faculty and fabulous volunteers to be fed in high style . . .
Fortified with delicious food and equally delicious lunch conversation, it was time to deliver our keynote address to these talented, witty and smart writers and illustrators . . .
(I was so "moved" by everyone's beauty, that I "moved" the camera on purpose, hence the blurred photos. Get it? Moved? Moved? Hahahaha . . . what? No? Um. Okay. Nevermind.)
The conference ended with a panel of editors giving away trade secrets. Here's Andrea with Scholastic editor Jenne Abramowitz and from Houghton Mifflin, Erica Zappy . . .
And now, to atone for the bedbug photo, here's something small, but entirely cute . . .
MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON from Dean Fleischer-Camp on Vimeo.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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