Oops. Not that Mrs. Nelson's. This Mrs. Nelson's . . .
OMG. I just realized. Many of you probably have no clue who Harriet Nelson is! In case you're wondering, here's the scoop.
Fun fact: The Ozzie on the left had a television show about his family LONG before the Ozzy on the right . . .
Anyway, Peepy and I were at Mrs. Nelson's Toy and Book Shop in La Verne, CA for a book signing!
Here's Moi with authors Barrie Summy and Amy Goldman Koss . . .
Peeps got to pal around with some of her friends, too. (However, she refused to share her cookies.)
And get a load of this! Our friend Sophia was there, and she HANDMADE this totally awesome necklace for us. That's a picture of me on it . . .
Doesn't Peepy look great? Speaking of great-looking people, a while back, purely as a public service, I blogged about the Old Spice Guy . . .
Well, it looks like the Old Spice Guy has some serious competition . . .
I know. I know. They're both great, aren't they!!!
Hey, are you on Goodreads? Sunday is the last day to enter to win an autographed copy of BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES)??!!!?!!!
(Above: La Petite Peep, granddaughter of National Book Award Winner, Jeanne Birdsall, enjoys hearing about Bobby's adventures before she takes her nap.)
Check out the giveaway details at Goodreads. And ENTER TO WIN!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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