(Note: This is a pretend maggot that hangs in my office. If you are brave, or a 12-year old boy, CLICK HERE to see what real maggots look like.)
I happy to announce that my latest visit was maggot-free! Children's Book World had arranged for me to visit with some local schools. So I left my house TWO HOURS early, thinking it wouldn't take that long to drive 16 miles. I even brought the newspaper and some work, since I knew I'd have plenty of time . . .
Like Millie in MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS, I'd rather be "one hour early, than one minute late."
However, I hadn't counted on terrible, awful, horrendous, yucky, crummy, rotten traffic . . .
In one hour, I had gone four miles. So I got off the freeway, sped along side streets, and made it with zero time to spare. Here's one of the classes that was waiting for me . . .
And here's everyone reacting when I asked, "Who can solve our nation's financial crisis?"
(Actually, I didn't ask that question. However, these kids are so smart, I'll bet they could have solved it!)
We had soooooo much fun taking about how BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) and other books got written! Afterward, I went to Children's Book World . . .
The kids bought books ahead of time, I signed, and the books were delivered to their schools that very afternoon!
Later, some students even came to the store so we could talk about . . . BOOKS!!!
Speaking of books, here's the spectacular Sharon Hearn, the store's owner . . .
And here's her spectacular store . . .
Ah, don't you just love indie bookstores!!!!
Since we were talking books, here's more BOBBY news. Recently, Scholastic kid reporter, Alexis "Lexie" Cornell interviewed me.
You can read the interview HERE!. And CLICK HERE for her review of BOBBY, plus here's another fun review about the book!
There's more BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) . . . I recently had a Goodreads free book giveaway. There were over ten million or maybe 587 entries, and here's the winner who was selected at random . . .
I was thrilled to learn it's someone I know! Paloma was in a writer's workshop I taught at the Santa Monica Library!
Can you find Paloma in the photo below?
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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