Why Bruce? Because we were speaking at the MOST MARVELOUS Cerritos Public Library in California . . .
Here's Denise Doyen, Peeps and Moi, and Bruce . . .
It was fun acting silly at the Children's Authors Faire . . .
However, what was REALLY exciting was seeing this incredible library. It was built with sales tax dollars from nearby auto malls. Take a look.
Outside, there are fountains, a koi pond and a book bench . . .
Here's the Children's Department. I mean . . . WOW! That sky even changes and there are muted rainforest sounds to go along with the tree. And that dinosaur? It's a replica of Sue, you do know Sue, don't you?
Get a load of the Teen Zone . . .
Want to see more of the Cerritos Library? Here you go!
I don't know about you, but I'd love to live there!!!!
Here's the Wiki history of this $40 million library."
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Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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