We even gave out some books disguised as candy!
(Oh wait. I hope no one tried to eat them.)
Of course, Halloween wouldn't be Halloween without my dear friend, author David LaRochelle and his amazing pumpkins! Look at what he created this year . . .
Halloween wasn't the only fun we had last week! We were invited to Clairbourn School's Camp Read-a-Lot . . .
It was held in conjunction with their annual Book Fair . . .
Peepy had to be reminded not to get too close to the fire when she was roasting marshmallows!
The last time I was at Clairbourn School, I had lunch with Academy Award winner (and school parent) Marlee Matlin . . .
(BTW, not only is she super nice, but she had the most amazing skin.)
So, I wondered if I would be having lunch with another actor/actress again this year?
Anyway, it was so fun talking to all the students in grades five, six, seven and eight . . .
It was also a blast because my good friend Betty Birney was there speaking to the lower grades. Plus, it's always wonderful to see Anita Knight, the awesome school librarian . . .
(Anita has a set of these cool author autograph books.)
Then it was time for lunch. When I walked into the library, it had been transformed into a cool camp (with catering!)
(Oh man, if I ever went to place like that, with books and caterers, I wouldn't have cried at camp.)
But here's the BEST part. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK who was there to have lunch with me . . .
Yes! Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy!!!! Swoon.
We spent the rest of the day together, and he even told me that he read all my books . . .
When it was time to leave, we could not be parted. So now, he's in my office to offer me encouragement when I write . . .
However, Son thinks that Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy is a distraction . . .
Thanks, Clairbourn, for Mr. Darcy and the fine swag . . .
Okay. Gotta go now. The Toymaker sent me this candid photo, so I have to go stare at it for hours . . .
Oh wait! One more thing. If you're in the Chicago area, come by and see me on Monday, November 8th. I'll be at the Vernon Area Public Library! CLICK HERE and scroll down for details!
Live in or near St. Louis? I'll be at the St Louis Public Library, Schlafly Branch, on Wednesday, November 10 from 6 - 7 p.m. And get this . . . they will be giving away FREE copies of ABSOLUTELY MAYBE and STANFORD WONG FLUNKS BIG-TIME, while supplies last. CLICK HERE for more info.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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