We stayed at Hotel Indigo and loved it. There was even an in-room swimming pool for Peepy!!!
We were in possession of a bag of Garrett's popcorn. Plus we had time on our hands. So, because we ate a healthy lunch, we felt it was okay, our patriotic duty even, to consume the entire bag of caramel/cheese mixture . . .
Later, we walked it off and Peepy made new friends . . .
On Monday, we were off to Fremont Middle School. Here's the gym before the students arrived . . .
We were afraid the projector wouldn't work, because on the flight we had to gate check our luggage and watched them TOSS the suitcase onto the cart. But HOORAY everything was fine!
Look! It's the Fremont 6th, 7th and 8th graders . . .
Later, Peeps went to the library and made more friends . . .
Lunch with librarian Trudi Snavely was a blast. We went to Caboose . . .
Next door was the coolest auto repair shop I've ever seen!!!
Next Blog: One million (or maybe one hundred-ish) people show up to meet Peepy at the Vernon Area Public Library!
PLUS, find out what state Peepy and Moi traveled to next and what delectable treat we got to eat . . .
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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