Oh, yes. In the Chicago area!
Well then, on our last night in the Chicago area, Peepy and I visited the Vernon Area Public Library . . .
Peepy was thrilled to find this incredible shrine devoted to her . . .
Meanwhile, there was a Parent/Child Book Discussion about STANFORD WONG FLUNKS BIG-TIME. So many signed up that there was a waiting list!
While they were wrapping up, we got ready for our presentation, and then the doors opened and over one million (or maybe 100-ish) people streamed in . . .
Uber librarian Eileen Glazick introduced us . . .
We had a wonderful time! Plus, author Brenda Feber bought us some yummy Skinny Pop!!!
The next day it was off to St. Louis where our first stop was, naturally, the library!!!
Lunch with these young chic librarians was on the menu, and dessert was included . . .
(Oh man, you've gotta try this St. Louis treat -- Gooey Butter Cake!!!)
We made sure to get a good night's sleep because we had a big day in front of us.
Next Blog: Read It Forward
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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