(This photo has nothing to do with this blog.)
Like, LOOK! It's me on the cover of a Scholastic Magazine!!!
Well, okay, that's not me on the cover, but this is me interviewed in the inside of the magazine . . .
Also, June is MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS Audiobook Month!!!!
Well, okay, it's not MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS Audiobook Month, but it is Audiobook Month! And behold what we got in the mail not too long ago . . .
Yes, MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS audiobooks on CD!!!
Also, Kidzworld named their TOP TEN BOOKS FOR BOYS for Spring and guess who was on the list? Here's a hint . . .
And finally, there's in interview with Moi in the Atlanta Young Adult Literature Examiner this week!
CLICK HERE to read the whole thing . . . and find out which Little Woman I identify most with!
Oh! And just a reminder of some of the fab prizes to be given away in the Caption Contest . . .
Shown in photo(s):
Autographed copy of recently released paperback version of BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY) (both the author and illustrator will sign it!!!)
Autographed copy of MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS audio book
Some tiny motorcycles and/or cars
Nice Krispy Kreme hat, suitable for all occasions
Non-regulation basketball that's really soft
Hatch-n-Grow Dinosaur Egg that possibly could be real, or not
Winne-the-Pooh 5-piece pencil sharpener set, suitable for all occasions
Kellogg's yogurt treat
(Dog not included)
PLUS . . . an original drawing from BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY) illustrator DAN SANTAT.
(Disclaimer: The illustration in the video is not the one being given away for this contest. The book launch party advertised has already happened. And the donut is not calorie-free.)
PLUS . . . an autographed copy of 1,000 TIMES NO by author/illustrator/celebrity judge Tom Warburton.
PLUS . . . an autographed copy of HUGO AND THE REALLY, REALLY, REALLY LONG STRING by author/illustrator/celebrity judge Bob Boyle. Lisa Yee
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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