CLICK HERE to check out the entries!
In the meantime, let's visit the Happiest Place on Earth!!!
It started a couple days earlier. My agent Jodi Reamer was in town, so Dan Santat (she's his agent, too) and I joined Jodi for dinner at the super-chic-great-view-great-food-restaturant, Yamashiro's, high in the hills of Hollywood . . .
Then, during the week, Jodi and I had lots of um, er, business, yes, that's it. We had a business meeting at Disneyland. And of course, no true business meeting is ever complete unless your Peep goes with you.
We felt is necessary to check out the various modes of transportation because in my next book, there will be vehicles . . .
We also met up with several characters, because in my next book there will be characters . . .
And we examined the architecture, because in my next book there will be buildings and such. . .
(Fun fact: Hubby designed the Captain EO logo.)
Yes, we were in the parade . . .
Then we hurried over to California Adventure for more business meetings . . .
There was this one meeting we had with Mr. Potato Head, and during the meeting we somehow ended up wearing 3-D glasses and shooting targets . . .
Our scores were tallied, but I'm not saying who won because I don't want that person to get to full of herself and try to lord it over me later . . .
The important (and necessary) business meeting ended with fireworks. Only there was an EARTHQUAKE!!! So they stopped, then started again, at Peepy's request, of course . . .
Ahh, the things we do for our craft. Oh, but Peeps did get in a bit of trouble . . .
And then so did I. The days following the business meeting I got REALLY sick . . .
(Above: Antibiotic eye drops for eye infection, antibiotics for ear infection and flu, inhaler for wheezing.)
Oh well, business meetings can be risky, but we do what we have to do for our art, right?
Stay tuned for the winner(s) of the Bodacious Book Contest. They'll be posted in a weekish!!!! And while you wait, why not CLICK HERE and enter the GOODREADS contest for a free autographed copy of BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY)???!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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