Because last blog we had clues as to who/whom our fabulous-attractive-witty judges are, and now here's the big reveal . . .
YES! YES! OMG, YES!!!! The animation dudes in the photo ARE THE JUDGES!!!!!!!!!!
That's Mr. Warburton with the shoe, and Mr. Boyle, looking on . . .
And get this -- here are the FABULOUS PRIZES the winners could win. They include,
and may not include, but most likely will include . . .
Shown in photo(s):
Autographed copy of recently released paperback version of BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY) (both the author and illustrator will sign it!!!)
Autographed copy of MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS audio book
Some tiny motorcycles
Nice Krispy Kreme hat, suitable for all occasions
Non-regulation basketball that's really soft
Hatch-n-Grow Dinosaur Egg that possibly could be real, or not
Winne-the-Pooh 5-piece pencil sharpener set, suitable for all occasions
Kellog's yogurt treat
(Dog not included)
WAIT!!! There's more . . .
You could win BIG MONEY . . .
(And I mean BIG money, cause it's not real, but it's really big!!!)
Plus, a stock of BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY) bookmarks and a Lisa Yee moo card . . .
Plus, I will EAT a Krispy Kreme doughnut in your honor (Bobby, the main character of the BOBBY books, LOVES doughnuts) . . .
Plus, you get a your own autographed ABSOLUTELY MAYBE Discussion Guide AND an autographed copy of the novel . .
Plus, DAN SANTAT will draw an original drawing JUST FOR YOU . . .
See! See! Great booty, right! But you can't win if you don't enter. So CLICK HERE and ENTER now!!!
Wanna win MORE STUFF? If you're a member of goodreads, then CLICK HERE!!!!!!
Oh wait . . . something MYSTERIOUS is going on. I discovered this video on this blog, and just because Peepy is not on my blog this time doesn't necessarily mean anything's happened to her!!!! (You do believe me, don't you?)
Next Blog: Hanging out at the park with writers.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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