We had a day to try to adjust to the eighteen hour time difference. So we explored some, and ate some, then ate some more . . .
During the week we also visited this amazing little street . . .
(We'll go into more detail about it at the end of this blog.)
For the next three days, I was at the Stamford American International School in Singapore!
I did two assemblies for grades K - 5 . . .
At the end of the first day, there was a welcome party for Peepy and it involved cake!
The workshops were wonderful, and the students were soooooo enthusiastic . . .
I taught persuasive writing, and Peepy taught rocket science . . .
We had some yummy meals on campus . . .
Here are some more students!
Peepy was always sad when the workshops ended. However, she was cheered by lunch . . .
Look! It's the library . . .
As always, Peepy made new friends . . .
Peepy likes to sightsee and shop, so we took a taxi to Arab Street . . .
We had a hot and spicy fish dish to fuel us, and kept going . . .
Haji Lane was just around the corner. If you like indie boutiques, vintage and handmade clothes and jewelry, and one-of-a-kind items, this is the place for you (and me) (and Peepy) . . .
$2 got is us into the toy museum . . .
It sort of reminded me of my office. I dunno, what do you think?
NEXT BLOG: I found the bookstore of my dreams in Singapore . . .
Oh, look! If you'd like an autographed book, order from Vroman's, tell them who you'd like me to sign it to, and they will mail it to you!"
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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