Not only was it great meeting everyone, but Peepy and I also had a chance to do some exploring. (Squeeee!!!) If you love books, you will love this BooksActually.
Ooooh, if I were a bookstore, this is who/what I'd want to be . . .
Look! Look! It's the owner, Kenny Leck!!!!
And it's not just books, it AMAZING RETRO STUFF and ORIGINAL ART!!!!
And here's handmade stationary and awesome writing tools!!!!
Want to see the BooksActually story? HERE it is.
BooksActually : The Documentary from booksactually on Vimeo.
On another afternoon, we visited Chinatown . . .A while ago I wrote an American Girl book about a girl named Ivy Ling who lived in Chinatown, only it was in San Francisco . . .
In Singapore's Chinatown, I came across the SMELLIEST fruit in the world - the Durian. (In my next blog I will tell you how it tastes.) Plus, we were discombobulated by this odd package . . .
Then there were these sights . . .
This man carved my daughter's name in Chinese . . .
I bought tea here . . .
I am so glad I made it to the Chinatown Heritage Centre. The exhibits were enlightening, and it was sobering seeing the cramped "cubical living" spaces many families occupied . . .
Nearby, the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple Museum was gorgeous . . .
Next Blog: A Chinese American sees some Singapore sights with an Australian, plus a store devoted to picture books, plus plus food GLORIOUS food!!!
Oh, look! If you'd like an autographed book, order from Vroman's, tell them who you'd like me to sign it to, and they will mail it to you!"
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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