We visited the falls of Sioux Falls, too . . .
There were lots of great stores like Zandbroz Variety . . .
We especially liked this book shop called . . . oh, what was the book shop called? Absolutely Maybe it was called THE BOOK SHOP!!!
Peepy found some light airplane reading, and good thing because we were headed to Houston, TX next . . .
We were visiting the Long Horn state to see the students at St. John's . . .
Before we spoke we explored the libraries (they had more than one) . . .
There was a hole in the stage, and I was afraid I was going to fall into it since I am clumsy . . . but I didn't. Hooray!
Then I got ready for the first of three assemblies. Here's what it looked like backstage as everyone was coming in . . .
And here are the enthusiastic St. John's students . . .
During lunch we ate with the speaker for the lower grades, picture book author/illustrator Jon Agee!!!
Um. Was he wearing the same shirt at Sherman Alexie?
Later, Jon and I did a video interview with a student reporter . . .
(CLICK HERE to see the interview!)
That evening there was a ginormous school fundraiser at Barnes & Noble . . .
Of course, the star of the evening was Peepy. She had her photo taken dozens of times, like with the boy on the far right of the photo . . .
And speaking of contests (pretend we were), here's the winner of my Facebook caption contest . . . Paul Acampora!!!
(Seen here with his grand prize, an autographed menu signed by Loren Long, Dan Santat, and Moi.)
Next Blog: The Moon Festival in South Pasadena
In the meantime. Oops, she did it again . . .
Oh! Oh! One last thing. My next novel is a Young Adult book called SEVEN DAYS DOWN. It chronicles the last seven days of high school of a popular senior. When it's revealed that he cheated on his Harvard application, his life spirals dangerously out of control.
So then, I've been asking my facebook friends questions like, "What one thing do you remember most about your high school graduation ceremony?"
Over 150 shared their experiences, and I loved reading through them. Here's what they had to say.
Wheeeee . . . BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) is now out in paperback!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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