Where were we? Ah, yes! The South Dakota Festival of Books.
We had just met author/Rolling Stone critic/NPR commentator Will Hermes. It was pretty clear that Will had something important he wanted to ask Peepy. That's right. Would she agree to do an interview with him? Peepy graciously agreed, giving Will the interview of his career . . .
(To read Will Hermes' exclusive interview with Peepy, look for the special Rolling Stone Special Peep Edition, on your newsstand sooner or later.)
So then, of course, South Dakota Public Broadcasting, wanted an interview too. Can you blame them?
Next it was my turn to be interviewed by Karl Gehrke. You can listen to us here. (It sounded like I was hyped up on coffee. Um. Maybe I was.)
(Photo credit: Roy Blount Jr.)
Wait, wait, don't tell me! Why was Roy Blount Jr. snapping my photos? Because he was interviewed, too. Here are photos I took of him.
Here's a link of when Peepy and I went to Wait, Wait . . . Don't Tell me!
Fun fact: Our friend Emily Ecton is one of the show's producers. Here she is dining with BatPeep . . .
Emily, under the name Emily Fairlie, has a fantastic book coming out soon. Check out the first blurb.
Oops. Back to South Dakota. (As you can clearly see, this blog is written without the guidance of an editor.) So then, Roy and Peepy had a major argument over string theory and advanced astrophysics, until Roy realized that Peepy was right . . .
The next day there was another radio interview! This time with Mix 97.3 . . .
(Photo credit - the clear ones: Ryan Woodard.)
Immediately after, we hurried to speak at a tea for over almost 200 American Girl fans (including the dolls). The room was packed!
(Photo credit - the clear ones: Tina Nicholas Coury)
It was awesome, and the girls wrote me messages on these paper surf boards!
After, we signed a zillion books . . .
From there, we spoke at the library . . .
That night, dinner was delish . . .
We capped off the evening with a traveling author's dream come true -- a hotel with a public washer and dryer! (I was on the road for about 463 years or days-ish, more or less.)
The next morning we opened the newspaper and read about ourselves. Twice!
(The girl in the first photo is reading ALOHA, KANANI.)
Later, we flew an F-18 while the news crews looked on . . .
Huh? Oh. It wasn't a real F-18. It was a simulator. (And that's a good thing because I crash landed in the desert.) Why was I flying an F-18? Because, not to boast, but I WAS PART OF THE NASA SOCIAL MEDIA GROUP COVERING THE SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOR!!!!!!!!! (Um. Here's proof.)
Wait? What? I thought we were in South Dakota?
Well, yes. but right now we are shuttling over to Edwards Air Force Base when we were there to see the shuttle land and take off for LAX . . .
But Lisa, you were tracking the Endeavour for NASA a few weeks ago, right? Yes, but this past weekish, Endeavour journeyed through the streets of Los Angeles!!!
Because my recent blogs are all part of one continuous looooong road trip, and I didn't have room before, I am post blogging some Endeavour stuff. So here's more of the NASA behind-the-scenes we were privy to as we go back to the future of the past while here in the present . . .
These are space shuttle tiles . . .
These are not . . .
Eeeeeek . . . LOOK! Aliens! Space aliens!!!!
Oh, wait. That's Dan Santat and Loren Long.<./a> They took part in my facebook caption contest. We had almost one hundred entries, and Lisa Yee, Lisa Yee, and Lisa Yee* picked the winner!
To find out who won this lovely/autographed/drawn-on menu from Barney's Beanery, CLICK HERE.
*The judges were facebook friends of mine who are also named "Lisa Yee.")
And now, back to more super secret maybe NASA stuff . . .
NEXT BLOG: Same road trip, next location . . . Houston, Texas
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