We'll talk about him later. But first, when last we blogged, we were at ALA seeing ex-National Ambassadors of Young People's Literature, like Jon Sciezcka . . .
Well, guess what? We're still there, even if the authors are not. Huh? Lemme explain. Through the magic of my Time Machine, I bring you more authors and illiustrators and book people like this fellow who is channeling Penny (see lower left of photo), plus this other fellow . . .
(That's David Macinnis Gill. In the first photo.)
Look! It's Newbery-ian Susan Patron with Betsy Rosenthal, and there's author/WONDERSTRUCK editor Tracy Mack . . .
Illustrator Joe Cepeda and I did the rounds of the convention floor together, and lo and behold, Laini Taylor and Maybe have the same color hair!
Question for Joe: Does your office always look this neat?
The last time I hung out with author/runner Wendelin Van Draanen, it was snowing. And look! AMULET'S Kazu Kibuishi and his wife cartoonist Amy Kibuishi . . .
Over at the Scholastic booth I found editor Bonnie Verberg and my awesome sales rep, Roz Hilden. And who's that handsome guy? Why, that's Scholastic's Antonio Gonzalez who handles all of my author visits!
It's always fun to see the Scholastic Book Fairs team. In the past, team members have even strutted their stuff for Peepy!
Debut author Mike Jung, signed along with my lunch buddy Dan Santat and James Burks, while Sibert Honor author Larry Dane Brimner showed Peepy his award-winning book . . .
Neal Shusterman and I have gone to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter together, but this time missed out on Disneyland (which was next door to the convention center).
However, National Book Award Winner Sherman Alexie created a new fashion sensation with his glasses, while prolific author Caroline Arnold tried sunglasses on Peepy while Curious City's Kirsten Cappy and Charlesbridge's Donna Spurlock looked on . . .
Caldicott Honor winner Melissa Sweet and my Peep met for the first time, and that's when Peepy noticed that this year's Newbery winner, Jack Gantos, was in the lurking around somewhere . . .
Jack wanted to give Peepy a tattoo . . .
But when she declined, an argument ensued and someone was tossed to the ground!!!! Wha . . .??? Should we sue for assault and battery???
I'm not sure what went on between the two of them, because they were friendly the last time they met . . .
BTW, Jack announced at the Newbery dinner that the rights to his autobiographic book about his short-lived life as a criminal, HOLE IN MY LIFE, has been purchased by Harry Potter, er, Daniel Radcliffe.
Here's Jack, and Daniel . . .
Although, I could really imagine James Franco as a young Jack Gantos. What do you think?
(Fun Fact: James Franco's mother is a children's book author. Click here to see who she is.)
NEXT BLOG: ALA After Hours
July 15 - COMIC-CON Panel - HEROES FOR THE MIDDLE-GRADE READER (AND YOU, TOO!): Middle Grade Books That Will Rock Your Socks Off, Sunday, 2:45p.m. - 3:45p.m., Room: 5AB --
Get heroic with authors Nathan Bransford (Jacob Wonderbar series), E. J. Altbacker (Shark Wars series), Cornelia Funke (Ghost Knight), Lisa Yee (Warp Speed), Brandon Mull (The Beyonders series), Tony DiTerlizzi (The Search for WondLa series), Emily Janice Card (Laddertop Vol. 1), and Derek the Ghost (Scary School), as they converse with moderator Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy. Room 5AB
July 27 - South Pasadena Library Writing Workshop for Kids
July 30 - Once Upon a Time Bookstore - Get Your Pens Out Writing Club
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