Why, the belong to none other than author/illustrator/fashion maven Tony DiTerlizzi! He was on his planet-wide tour for A HERO FOR WONDLA.
When last we saw him, he was modeling a lovely limited edition front/back/arms deer/nature scene shirt we gave him . . .
This time we caught up with Tony at Mrs. Nelson's Toy and Book Shop, closer to our home . . .
Before his author/illustrator appearance, he took time to read his Caldicott Honor book, SPIDER AND THE FLY to Andrea Vuleta, General Manager of Mrs. Nelson's and President of the SoCal Independent Booksellers Association, and Peepy . . .
Then it was showtime! Tony drew pictures as he talked. Here he is with a totally realistic drawing of his younger self . ..
You know how some authors are shy and stiff. Well, Tony's a tad like that, only he's trying to overcome it . . .
He was so entranced by Peepy's presence, that he even dedicated much of his talk to her . . .
She encouraged him to come out his shell and emote more . . .
After everyone left, we stayed behind and Tony was autographed books to his muse . . .
Then we explored Mrs. Nelson's . . .
Peepy wondered where her bestselling epic memoir/fashion tips book would go, once she wrote it. And Andrea knew just the place!
And now for some super secret photos. Yes! The bathroom door signed by authors and illustrators who have visited Mrs. Nelson's!
Hmmmm . . . not sure what it is with scrawls on bathroom walls. This is Tony's bathroom at his house.
Here's Tony talking about the WONDLA series on CNN.
And finally, want to see something that will make you smile? Check out these are these totally awesome teachers!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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