But it's also fun to speak to college students. Last week I traveled all the way from South Pasadena to Pasadena -- officially, they are two different cities . . .
Look! The invisible man was there, too!!!
I was invited to speak to the Children's Literature class at Pasadena City College . . .
The campus is gorgeous in the day . . .
And at night . . .
Peepy and I were early, so we hung out at the Writing Center and gathered notes . . .
Kathleen Green introduced us to her students . . .
We began by retelling the history of the cotton swab, only no one seemed interested in this . . .
So we decided to spice it up and talk about children's literature, and showed how many, many, many drafts it took to write BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY), a book the students had been assigned to read . . .
(That's Dan Santat lounging about on top of the books. He illustrated BOBBY and we brought him with us.)
Can you tell how many revisions we did?
This seemed to wake up most of the students, but not all . . .
Later, we had a rousing discussion and a wonderful time!
BTW, do you live in Southern California, know someone who does, or will be visiting between this very minute and the next 50 years? If so, then check out the Southern California Independent Bookstores!
You never know what you'll find! Like, I recently discovered that I am the end of Junior Fiction! (Um, is that a good thing?)
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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