After a Scholastic book signing in San Diego, I took the train home. This was my window view . . .
(The bad news was that there was "mechanical issue" so the train was delayed for 1-1/2 hours. The good news was that there was free wifi onboard.)
I was in South Pasadena long enough to take care of important matters before packing up again . . .
As always, I got to the airport early. I don't know why I do this since my planes are always late. But I do.
We arrived in Northampton, MA and stayed at a lovely undisclosed location. Peepy was totally cozy in her own little bed . . .
The next morning we headed to a radio station to do an interview with the irrepressible Monte Belmonte from 93.9, The River . . .
He had never met my Peep before and wasn't sure what to make of her . . .
The interview was a total blast and we discussed micro/macro physics, dust mites, string theory, books and linear equations, or at least one of those things . . .
Then Monte tried to rope me into a debate about this . . .
Before things could get too heated, a special guest dropped in . . . National Book Award winner, Jeanne Birdsall!!!
BTW, you may not know this tidbit of literary trivia, but what does Ms. Birdsall do in her spare time? Here's a hint . . .
That's right! She's the head of my posse and my bodyguard!!!
OKAY! So after the interview, I felt safe walking with Jeanne to the local luncherina (I just made up that word!) and we met up with author Cammie McGovern . . .
Lunch was so fun that there was only one sensible thing to do after that. Yes! Look for birdhouses. And guess what we found at Pinch? Why, these totally cool bird abodes made from RECYCLED BOOKS . . .
Speaking of birdhouses made of books, or at least the book part of that last sentence, guess who's on the Kansas Reading Circle Best Books of 2011 list? I'm not going to tell you, but here's a hint . . .
And also, WARP SPEED has been nominated for Vermont's Book of the Year aka Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award List
Oh. And finally, this. There has been a report of Peepy's demise.
You can read Peter D. Sieruta's blog about it HERE. (Scroll down a little ways.) However, keep in mind that this was posted on April 1st (and that on April 2nd, she was fine.)
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Lisa Yee
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