The museum is filled with great children's book art and great children's book artists. While we were visiting, so was Kadir Nelson, along with Sharon Robinson, author and daughter of baseball great, Jackie Robinson . . .
Here's Moi with Kadir at the National Book Festival Library of Congress Gala last year . . .
And CLICK HERE to see photos of Kadir painting Dan Santat faster than I can take a photo.
But back to the Carle. You never know who you'll run into in KitLitLand. Look -- It's big mouth Susannah Richards!!! (I'm not being mean. That's what they call influential booksellers and experts in our industry. Publishers send big mouths early editions of books, etc. so they can help buzz a book.)
It was so cool because Susannah knew I was in town. So she had copies of my books in the trunk of her car for me to sign in case she saw me . . .
Then who should we see, but Diane DeGroat (center left) and author Shelley Rotner, the creators of HOMER . . .
There's art everywhere, even in the restrooms . . .
Later, Peepy ventured into the art room to make a lovely Peep stamp . . .
We're hoping to get our Peepy art into a gallery someday. What do you think?
Oh, and guess what? WARP SPEED has been named to Bank Street's Best Books of the Year list!!!
Hey! Hey! If you happen to be on the Hampshire College campus, or one of the other surrounding colleges, be on the lookout for these totally awesome flyers!!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Upcoming Events . . .
11:00-12:00 NOON: signing at Scholastic/Diesel booth with Dan Santat
1:00 PM-2:00 PM: signing at Once Upon a Time booth with Dan Santat
4:00-5:00 PM: signing at USC Civil Engagement Booth
12:15-1:30 PM: signing at USC Civil Engagement Booth
1:30-2:30 PM: signing at Scholastic/Diesel booth
Lisa Yee
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