Well guess what?? USA TODAY read the blog and did a story about it!!!!
You can CLICK HERE to read the whole article.
Speaking of Stanford Wong, there's a scary teacher in the book. His name is Mr. Glick.
The real Mr. Glick was my 7th grade teacher. Not long ago he visited my house.
We keep in touch, and this week he sent me this e-mail . . .
Here's the chapter he's talking about . . .
Not too long ago, our friend, Ken Min, had some good news.
The last time we saw Ken, he drew this award-winning picture . . .
Now, I know what you're thinking. Ken Min. Min. MIN? Millicent Min. Are they related????
Actually, they are not. However, maybe they are. One never knows.
Also armed with good news was friend and wild thing Sara Wilson Etienne who had a first novel debuting . . .
Well, with all this good news stuff going around, there was only one logical way to celebrate . . . LUNCH!!!!
(It is safe to note that the writerly lunches I attend are EXACTLY like the ones at the famed Algonquin Round Table. Well, sort of, in that food is involved and that many of my lunch companions share the some of the same vowels and that Dorothy Parker's posse had in their names.)
We rounded up the unusual suspects, including our partner in dining, Dan Santat and author/grammar Queen, Martha Brockenbough, plus the nomadic Julia Shahin Collard.
In Dan's and Mine's Quest (I purposefullyness made that grammatically awkward so that Martha could have a meltdown) to try out different dining establishments for our literary lunches, we decided to dine in Paris, France . . .
However, the airport was busy that day, so we ate in Burbank instead.
We met up at Flavor of India and partook of their delicious buffet. Here's Dan and Martha buffetting . . .
Peepy had quite a lot on her plate, too . . .
The conversation was lively and we discussed our solutions to the growing global warming problem . . .
In case you weren't eavesdropping, here's what we came up with . . .
Of course, we were so fascinating that everyone in the restaurant wanted in on the conversation . . .
Wait? What? Who??? Why, it's Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy and Colin Firth as Colin Firth!!! Apparently, Ken had arranged for him to be there . . .
Now I have history with this person, having just spent the day with Colin Firth as Colin Firth, and Craig Ferguson as Craig Ferguson, recently . . .
Even though we had just seen him, we didn't want Colin to feel left out, so we invited him(s) to join us . . .
Colin was such delightful company, that afterward when he needed a ride, I was happy to oblige . . .
Somehow, he ended up in my office . . .
And we continued our, er, global warming discussion there . . .
BTW, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, wait, hasn't Colin visited you before. Well, yes, indeed he has. Can I help it if people send him my way???
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Next week I'll be in Vancouver for the Serendipity Conference . . .
In March, I'll be at LitFest Pasadena, and in April, you can find me here . . .
Lisa Yee
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