In the meantime, here's what happened the week-ish before I set sail. Oh! And at the end of this blog I will reveal an American Girl secret!!!
My love affair with Scholastic Book Fairs goes back a long way. It began with MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS . . .
I was driving through Texas, moving from Florida to California, when I got a phone call saying that Book Fairs wanted to feature the novel.
That was a shock to me because it was my the book and hadn't even been released yet. However, Book Fairs really believed in it and printed up 100,000 copies!!!
Now eight years and nine more published books later, Scholastic Book Fairs and I are still pals! Here are the kind of crazy smart of people who work there . . .
Recently, I visited a school that was getting ready for their Book Fair, and then the week after that I was at Pomelo Elementary in West Hill, CA
. . .
Hey look -- they were having a Scholastic Book Fair, too . . .
I got to speak to the students . . .
And then sign books . . .
What was Peepy doing during all that? Why, making history, of course . . .
Okay! Ready for the American Girl secret? Well, every year the Girl of the Year's name tightly guarded until the shortly after midnight of the new year. For example, for 2011 it's Kanani, and I wrote her stories. However, because of the 25th year birthday, the girls on the cruise got to find out early that Mary Casanova (who was on the cruise, along with me and author Valerie Tripp) -- plus, they learned that they will be receiving a book and doll.
Psst . . . I turned on my video camera when the announcement was made. You gotta see/hear the girls when they found out that the next GOTY is named . . .
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Lisa Yee
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