I was invited to contribute to DEAR BULLY: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories.
At first I thought that I didn't have anything to add to the dialogue. After all, I hadn't been bullied when I was growing up. Plus, I wasn't a bully, myself. Then I realized, perhaps I was worse. Why? Because when others were teased and bullied, I did nothing to stop it.
Here's what the NEW YORK TIMES had to say about the book . . .
My essay is called REGRET. Here's a snippet of it . . .
"Putting someone down was a sport. Like dodgeball, it could be fun or scary, depending on where you stood. However, instead of balls being hurled at you, it was insults. I if you were lucky, eventually the teasing would move on to someone else and you could exhale."
Recently, I joined other DEAR BULLY authors at a reading at Vroman's in Pasadena . . .
Joining me were Melody Shore, Amy Goldman Koss, Cecil Castellucci, and Nancy Holder . . .
Whoops! Where's Melody? Oh, there she is!
We had a full house . . .
And each read our essay . . .
Novelist Elizabeth Massie made these bracelets for us. The yellow bead represents a person in need of protection and support, and the other beads those who rally around them . . .
On the topic of bullying, my novel WARP SPEED is about a Star Trek geek who's beat up every day at school.
I don't write "issue books," I write about kids. However, they do have issues in their lives, and when I write their stories, I hope that my readers can identify with my characters.
Not long ago I received a three-page handwritten letter in the mail . . .
It was from a U.S. Marine based overseas . . .
He continued, "Growing up, I was never the popular kid. In fact I was bullied, not so much physically, but verbally quite horribly, which made my life a living nightmare. Middle school and early high school was tough for me and I hated having to go to school--"
Through running, this soldier gain self-esteem and was able to face his bullies. Today, when he returns to the states, he speaks at anit-bullying events at his old high school.
It gets better. If you don't believe me, here are lots of other authors who feel the same way.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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