We were the guest speaker for their PTA meeting and Book Fair kick-off. However, before we went on, there was a professional singer. Here he is serenading Peepy and her beauty . . .
As I was being introduced, there was a gameshow-style quiz all about my career, and guess what???? I got most of the answers right!!!
Everyone was uber enthusiastic . . .
Later, as I signed books, my Peep admired her presents . . .
One of the gifts was a Starbucks gift card. So we indulged in a caramel frappuccino and when we got home we shared it with our dear friend, Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy . . .
The fun continued that night when we went to our local indie bookstore, Vroman's. We met up with Bob Boyle (glasses) and Dan Santat (sleeping) who illustrated our BOBBY series to cheer on our pal Peter Brown (reading) who shared his latest book, YOU WILL BE MY FRIEND, with us . . .
Fun Fact: While Suzanne Collins was writing the HUNGER GAMES, she worked on Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! an animated TV show created by Bob. (BTW, don't you think that Wubbzy and Peepy could be cousins?)
NEXT BLOG: Who are these people and why are they doing that???!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Lisa Yee
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