I got there early so I could sign stock for Barnes and Noble. Signing stock means pre-autographing books. That way if someone can't make it to get your autograph in person, they can still have a signed book . . .
We worked in assembly-line formation with someone opening the book, me signing, and then someone else stickering it. Here's an Oscar-worthy 10-second film of us in action . . .
There was a break between signing and getting to the stage, so we headed to the Green Room where I signed the Librarian of Congress's book. It was cool looking at all the authors who had been to the National Book Fest before . . .
We bumped into Tom Angleberger. He had asked John Rocco do draw a Yoda Origami, so we asked Tom if we could create one, too. Can you tell which one is ours?
It's funny, we live just a couple of miles away from Amulet's Kazu Kibuishi, but the last time we saw him was at Comic-Con in San Diego, and now here in D.C.
Hey, look, it's Sherman Alexie. It was a bummer that we were both going on at the same time. Little known fact: Sherman was a consultant for American Girl's Kaya books! Here he is with Kanani, a doll based after the American Girl - Girl of the Year books I wrote . . .
Before going on stage, I had to get miked. Um, no, that's not the guy's name, it when they put the microphone on you. However, it has to be hidden in your clothes . . .
It was fun goofing off with Disney's Choo Choo Soul and Genevieve who introduced us . . .
Soon it was time to go on . . .
The 20 minutes FLEW by, and then it off to book signing!
We had to hurry out to catch a plane, but as we left the author near us was still signing. Can you guess who that is?
Hint: " . . . where the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average."
What a glorious time we had.
For more photos, check out Publisher's Weekly take on the event HERE.
Oh! BTW, are you a AAA member? Well, even if you're not, here's a cool review of WARP SPEED from AAA's Westways magazine . . .
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Lisa Yee
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