(That's my office door with the Library sign.)
However, last week, when we were in Tampa, I had Apple/Mac problems. I know what you're thinking . . . "no, no, that's not possible. Not you, Lisa."
But yes.
When I give presentations, I create a library in iPhoto, then download it to an iPod, then place the iPod in a universal dock, then hook it up to my projector, then use a universal remote to play the photos. Got all that?
I even hosted an iPod University to share my knowledge with fellow authors/illustrators . . .
(That's Kerry Madden, seated, and Marla Frazee soaking it all in.)
Anyway, at St. John's, technology failed me and I couldn't get it to work . . .
Meanwhile, at home, my iMac was busy self-combusting. Which meant I needed to head to the Apple Store . . .
All those blue shirts reminded me of one I recently purchased for Son . . .
Hmmmm . . . would my Genius hear me?
Yes! Yes, he did. The problem with the iPod? Um, I had it on the wrong setting . . .
(Okay, go ahead. Say it. I know you want to . . . "DUH!!!!")
Sadly, it wasn't so simple for my six-year old iMac. The motherboard was broken and so was the graphics card and the transmission, or something like that.
So I had to get a new one . . .
(That's my Mac PowerBook on top of my iMac. Yes, I am a Mac addict.)
Then I tried to get to proper cables to run my presentation from my PowerBook, in case mess up my iPod again. Only, the Apple Store only had 50% of what I needed -- a special adapter for one end, however I needed an even more special adapter for the other end. So I went to Radio Shack . . .
Only, they didn't have it either.
Oh well, I special ordered it from the internet. Hope I don't break that, too. While I wait for it to get here, I'll just try to figure out my new wireless remote tracking scary know-it-all mouse . . .
Hope it doesn't freak me out!!!
Hey, are you in the Lexington, Kentucky area? If so, come see me this Friday, September 16th at 6 p.m. I'll be HERE!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Are you an American Girl KANANI fan? If so, here's a free online story I wrote about Kanani!!!
Lisa Yee
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