Recently I boarded the train to San Luis Obipso, CA.
I got there a day ahead of the SCBWI workshop I was teaching, so I was able to do a little exploring . . .
It was so cool to see the retro theater and all the coffee bars. In WARP SPEED, Marley's family runs the old Rialto Theater and I did lots of research.
However, the San Luis Obispo highlight for me and my Peep was this . . .
Can you tell what that stuff is? Here's a closer view . . .
It's CHEWED GUM!!!!! Yes, I stumbled across the famed Bubblegum Alley . . .
We were careful not to slip and fall, or else we'd be stuck there forever.
In STANFORD WONG FLUNKS BIG-TIME, Stanford has a gum encounter at the library . . .
So what do you think? Beautiful or gross? Or, maybe, both?
And for those of you who love gum and can't get enough, Peepy and I videoed Bubblegum Alley . . .
Next blog, what went on inside here . . .
BTW, got an iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch or iWhatever? If so, there's a free game app featuring Kanani, the Hawaiian girl I wrote about for American Girl! CLICK HERE for your free app!
Going to the National Book Festival? If so, come see me on Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Target Stage!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Are you an American Girl KANANI fan? If so, here's a free online story I wrote about Kanani in New York!!
Lisa Yee
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