And what did the faculty do when it was over? This . . .
(Oops. Wrong photo. That's not the faculty, that's THIS.)
Here's what really happened -- we all boarded busses to take us to an undisclosed location . . .
It was great fun to relax and unwind, and share stories about what a wonderful conference it was . . .
(Above: My pal, Laurent Linn, and my editor Author Levine, discuss the importance of book covers.)
SCBWI Co-founder Lin Oliver's husband, Alan Baker, is the unofficial official photographer of the conference. (BTW, if Laurent Linn and Lin Oliver married, she would be Lin Linn.) Oops. Didn't mean to digress! Back to the party--the photos were waiting for us when we arrived!
(Above: Arthur, Bruce Coville and I point to some of our favorite people.)
Even though the conference was over, there was still more work to be done. The next day was the annual Board of Advisors meeting. It's an honor to serve on the board with these incredible people from the children's publishing industry . . .
Publisher's Weekly did a great recap of the conference. You can read it HERE.
In other news, the NEW YORK TIMES reviewed DEAR BULLY this week . . .
The book will be out in September
and I'll blogging about it more later. In the meantime you can listen to Katie Davis's podcast HERE. It features Tommy Greenwald, who I got to meet earlier this year, plus she talks about one of my favorite books . . .
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Lisa Yee
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