. . . the next morning I was one of over 120,000 who "trekked" (Get it? Trek. Trekked. Star Trek. Hahaha. Okay, never mind.) Anyway, I was one of many who made it to Comic-Con in San Diego.
Now, I know what you're wondering. Well, that, and also, "how did Lisa get tickets when they sold out within four hours?"
Well, because I am fluent in Klingon . . .
. . . and wrote WARP SPEED, a novel with lots of Star Trek, Star Wars and Batman in it, I was deemed a professional!!!!
However, there was only one Peep there . . .
Usually, when Peepy has her picture taken, there are some who think it's odd--like my kids. However, at Comic-Con there's pretty much nothing that can phase the crowd.
That said, I thought we'd start with a museum-quality photo essay of Peepy and her new friends . . .
Wow, look at these strange creatures!!!
(That's Jake Parker, Dan Santat, and James Burks!)
Well, there's much more. But I'm going to give your eyeball a break for now.
Oh wait! But before you go, here's this cool review of MILLICENT MIN, GIRL GENIUS -- the very first book I wrote eight years ago!
Stay tuned for the next blog and . . . Peepy Meets the Hellboy Creator, our video of The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra sneak peek, and other great stuff!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Lisa Yee
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