(Recently, someone tried to impersonate Jodi and sent out fake e-mails saying they were her.)
The grand gala took place at the Hilton's waterfront rooftop . . .
As soon as Ellie Berger, Scholastic President of Trade Publishing, saw Peepy she immediately tried to sign her for a multi-book deal. Luckily, Jodi, who is also Peeps agent, was there . . .
Publicist Sheila Marie Everett hung out with Lizette Serrano who put the amazing shindig together . . .
David Saylor, Scholastic VP and Creative Director, asked Peepy to pen her own graphic novel series . . .
Scholastic Book Fair's Anna Swenson and my Star Trek Go-To-Guy, Ed Masessa told Peepy that her books will sell millions . . .
Lots of super graphic novelists and illustrators were there, too. Like Missile Mouse's Jake Parker, who also illustrated Michael Chabon's new picture book!!!
Kazu Kibuishi of Amulet fame was there with his adorable son who took an immediately liking to my Peep . . .
Hooray! Why is Raina Telgemeier smiling? Maybe it because she won an Eisner for her graphic novel, Smile!!!!!!
Look! It's dapper Ted Naifeh, illustrator of The Good Neighbors . . .
Doug TenNapel of Bad Island made Peepy nervous, but later signed a book for her . . .
My good friend, Dan Santat was there, too, to celebrate the release of Sidekicks!
And of course, the man of the (double) decade(s), Jeff Smith . . .
Author Cecil Castellucci was recently returned from Author Space Camp. She and I checked out the most awesome Bone photo booth . . .
It was so fun, Jodi, Dan and I crammed inside. Pssst . . . here's the secret footage I shot without them knowing. Um, it's sideways on purpose and not because I don't know how to fix it. . .
(Disclaimer: Dan and I had agreed that on the last photo we'd surprise Jodi and pretend to punch her in the face, because . . . well, cause we love her. But when I reminded Dan by yelling "as discussed!" He thought I said, "act disgust" and that's why I'm punching Jodi and he's making a fretful face.)
Huh? Did someone say Babymouse? Why, yes, it's Matt Holm . . .
Woo hoo! MAD magazine's own Sergio Arigones was at the party . . .
(We saw him in Ojai a couple of years ago, too!!!)
It was so cool to finally meet author Elizabeth Bunce . . .
Oh, and we can't forget this--there was CAKE!!!
Next Blog: Braving the Comic-Con Convention
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
Lisa Yee
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