Well, one of the perks of being an author is that I get to meet so many wonderful teachers all across the country. Earlier this year, I met a fourth grade teacher named Mr. Lee and lots of other book-loving teachers when I was at Hicklebee's Educator Night . . .
Later, Mr. Lee wrote to me, saying he was reading BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) to his class . . .
Part of his letter went like this . . .
"We are up to Chapter Five and the kids laughed out loud at the Mr. Wiener House chapter, and they all gasped when they realized Bobby had gotten in trouble."
"One of the guys remarked, 'Bobby is not brave, well kind of brave in his own way.'"
"They didn't think it was unusual for the kids to take a fish and a worm for a walk."
"One of the boys has read the book already . . . so I have to remind him not to spoil it for others."
When you write a book, you're in a bubble, isolated from the rest of the world, with only your imagination to keep you company. So when a book comes out and you hear from your readers, it's a delight. And when they send pictures, well, this is how wonderful it is . . .
When Mr. Lee finished the book, his students all wrote to me . . .
They had taken a section of the book, where Bobby and his friends talk about what kind of superhero they would be, and made it their own. Here are the kind of superheroes Mr. Lee's students imagined themselves as . . .
How cool is that?
But wait, there's more! I asked Mr. Lee if I could blog about his class at Discovery Charter School in San Jose, and he said, "yes," but that his students wanted to write to me again.
This time they sent these amazing letters relating to the book. They told me who their heroes were (lots picked their parents!), and their fears, and what they liked most about both BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) and BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY) . . .
Here are a couple, selected at random, up close. The first young author wrote that she was brave when she got a shot . . .
Another wrote, "What is a brave thing I did? Hold a parrot . . . in Russia."
This author was really brave when they went into the grass to rescue their friend who had allergies . . .
And this boy was brave when he climbed a rock, he even wrote, "This is freaky!"
To Mr. Lee and his students . . . thank you soooooo much for sharing all this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's an interview I did with The Happy Nappy Bookseller about writing the Bobby books.
For a list of "Books that help kids make the leap into middle grade novels," CLICK HERE.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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