Recently, I this was shipped to my house . . .
Yes, it's an American Girl doll, but why did I get one sent to me?
Maybe it's because . . . I AM THE AUTHOR OF THE TWO AMERICAN GIRL "2011 GIRL OF THE YEAR BOOKS!!!!" They're called ALOHA, KANANI and GOOD JOB, KANANI . . .
I'd like you to meet Kanani . . .
Here's Kanani bonding with Ivy, who's from another American Girl book I wrote, GOOD LUCK, IVY . . .
Who had to go to Hawaii for a week to "research"? That's right. ME!!!!!
I took surf lessons and learned how to paddleboard (that's my teacher!) in Oahu, and got a special helicopter tour of Kaua'i . . .
(Yes, it was tough, but someone had to do it.)
Kanani's books are about a girl living in a small seaside town on the island of Kaua'i. I'll be blogging more about the books and how they were created. In the meantime, here's another secret. See that man with the white hair? That's my dad, and today's his birthday!!!!
ALOHA 2011!!!!!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Lisa Yee
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