Peepy and I had some free time during the IRA Convention, so we decided to explore The Windy City. Only, we got lost . . .
So then, we decided to go to Wicker Park. We had been there last year with our author pal, Amy Timberlake and her hubby, Phil. Amy once featured my desk on her blog, My Desk is a Mess . . .
Peepy googled Wicker Park and it was 3.5 miles away. Ah ha! It was in a straight line . . . we could walk that!
Only, later we figured out that accomplish that, we'd have to walk on the freeway. So we took the train . . .
It was sooooooo fun wandering around Wicker Park. And Peeps met lots of new friends . . .
I met lots of new friends, too . . .
My Peep saw perplexing and wondrous things, too . . .
Then we took the train back to downtown and continued our wandering, stopping for dinner . . .
However, one of the most interesting and exciting things about Chicago was learning that this person has something totally cool and special at her house. Something I want and need.
That's author Emily Ecton (she's also a producer of Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me) and she owns a handheld SCANNER to swipe over the ISBN codes on her books, and then she has PROGRAM so that it catalogs them into a database for her. Squeeeeeeeee!!!! How cool is that???
I want one. I need one.
Hey, speaking of books, guess who's the readergirlz AUTHOR OF THE MONTH for MAY???? Here's a hint . . .
No, it's not Colin Firth. However, since you were talking about him (okay, so maybe it was me), LOOK what Peepy's good friend Julie Winkler created for her to wear whenever she's around Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy . . .
THANK YOU, JULIE!!! Peepy adores Julie because not only is Julie awesome, but she's adept at sewing. In ABSOLUTELY MAYBE, the main character, named Maybe, works in a taco truck, hence the taco costume . . .
And finally, you can check out ABSOLUTELY MAYBE and me at READERGIRLZ. We're talking fun and interesting stuff over there, like if you dyed your hair, what color would it be?
Lisa Yee
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