(Look! It's me with RL Stine, host/former National Ambassador of Young People's Literature Jon Sciezska, Gordon Korman, and Christopher Paul Curtis.
Afterward, we headed to the Green Room where Christopher Paul Curtis consoled RL Stine and me . . .
Soon it was time to tape some public service announcements to encourage kids to read over the summer . . .
(The guy with the laptop is controlling the teleprompter. It was that or write on my hand.)
The next day, Peepy and I had empanadas and cupcakes for lunch since we needed to be strong for what was ahead . . .
YES! It was an encore Author Smackdown at Scholastic Store . . .
(Those are just a few of the books the author contestants have written.)
It was the same authors, but instead of Jon Sciezska as host, handsome store manager Michael Strouse stepped in . . .
This time, the show was open to the public. Dick Robinson, Scholastic CEO, Chair and President, brought his son Reece . . .
(Reece and Peepy hit it off immediately.)
The show was slightly different this time. Not only was it Alex-Trebek-ian-Jeapordy-style, but four kids were picked from the audience to play along with the authors!
(My teammate was Stephanie. Squeeeee!!!!)
Then the game began . . .
It was soooooo fun! Even if we did humiliate ourselves.
Yesterday I buzzed in on a question about BUD, NOT BUDDY. And I got it wrong. Then at the Store, I got THE SAME question . . . and I gave THE SAME wrong answer!!! Duh.
RL Stine and his partner were the winners, but we all had a great time!!!!
After, we signed books behind the dinosaur . . .
It was so cool, because I got to meet the BOBBY VS. GIRLS (ACCIDENTALLY) proofreader, Dan Letchworth!!!
(Er, Dan, if you are reading this, I purposely threw in some mistakes so you wouldn't get bored.)
I also saw my Scholastic Book Fairs friend David Perry. And as a special treat, I got to meet his daughters, Jasmine and Riyo, and his wife Erina . . .
Even though the authors were fierce competitors, we're all still friends, as you can see here . . .
Oh hey! Since we're talking books, CLICK HERE to eavesdrop on a conversation about ABSOLUTELY MAYBE, or CLICK HERE to read the "Story Secrets" about writing the novel!
And check out ABSOLUTELY MAYBE (it's now out in paperback!) and me at READERGIRLZ . . .
Lisa Yee
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