Peepy and I are Girl Scouts fans.
And apparently, Girl Scouts are fans of Peep(y) . . .
When I was in Louisville, KY last year, I taught writing at the local Girl Scouts Headquarters . . .
I've also spoken to Girl Scouts in my neighborhood about what it's like to be an author . . .
And earlier this year, I was featured on the Girl Scout's "Studio" website . . .
Here's a video Son and I made for the Studio . . .
So, I was honored when Girl Scouts asked if I would be one of their Storytellers. It took me about .0002 seconds to say "yes!"
This supremely talented director Alexis Morante was sent to my house to film me in my office . . .
Oops. That's not my office. And that's not me. That's E.B. White. And that's his office. My office has a few more things in it.
Here's how the video shoot went . . .
Of course, it was all about Peepy . . .
It was such fun! And I even wrote an entire novel while Alexis was shooting me . . .
Okay, so maybe it wasn't quite an entire novel. But we needed footage of me at work!
Oh, hey! Since we're talking about videos, if you know a student who'd like to meet some authors, show them this . . .
Oh, look! These books make lovely holiday gifts. If you'd like an autographed book, order from Vroman's, tell them who you'd like me to sign it to, and they will mail it to you!"
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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