So, when last blogging, we saw THE SPACE SHUTTLE LAND 500 FEET FROM US . . .
While I was writing the blog, I was watching the Endeavour on television in my motel room . . .
Why were we "this" close? Because we were part of the NASA Social Media group for the Endeavour!
This blog, we'll show an exclusive VIP (Very Important Peep) video of THE SPACE SHUTTLE TAKE OFF 500 FEET FROM US. But before we get to that, there's this . . .
After watching the Endeavour land, we were in for more excitement. We got to see the 747 carrier and space shuttle up close . . .
Stephanie Stilson, flow director and transition director for the space shuttles. spoke to our NASA Social group . . .
Then WE GOT TO GO INSIDE THE 747 Shuttle Carrier. Wheeeeeeee!!!!!
The next morning we had to get to Edwards Air Force Base really, really, really early. Like before we went to security clearance, including having our car searched by a bomb-sniffing dog . . .
There were lots of television crews there, but the NASA Social group got to go in before them! Why? Most likely because there was a Peep with us.
We boarded a bus out to the desert landing strip, and along the way saw the sunrise over the Endeavour . . .
When we got to the runway, um. Someone had to go to the restroom. Only, it was far, far, far away -- so it wouldn't be in any of our shots, or the TV/Newspaper/Magazine shots . . .
While we were waiting, there was a celebrity sighting!
Then an even bigger celebrity arrival! Endeavour was heading our way . . .
Can you believe this???? The Endeavour, piggybacked on the 747 carrier that we had been on, was taking off a mere 500 feet from us, and we were right there!!!!!
Oh man, it was so beautiful. Photos and video can't even get close to the experience of watching it in person. Truly, this was a once-in-a-lifetime event. Thank you, NASA.
WE INTERRUPT THIS SHUTTLE NEWS FOR CHILDREN'S BOOK NEWS . . . Guess who will be hosting the marvelous 2013 Children's Choice Book Awards?
Answer: Me! (I got the news about being accepted for the NASA Social, and being a part of the Children's Choice Awards within 24 hours. It was a good day.))
The Children's Choice Book Awards is the only national book awards program where winning titles are selected by young readers of all ages.
Mere seconds after we stopped weeping, we began Tweeting and FaceBooking and getting the word/photos/video out . . .
We sent out our reports on-site, on the bus, and then back in our media room . . .
NASA Social Media even beat out the traditional press . . .
Speaking of traditional press, NBC-TV Los Angeles did a segment on our NASA group. Our fearless leader, John Yembrick was interviewed (as was my Peep) . . .
As it was happening, I Tweeted, and coincidentally, my friend Bob Boyle and his wife Teri were watching TV . . .
Even though it was days ago that Endeavour took off and flew over California . . .
. . . I still get goosebumps thinking about it, my experience, and the wonderful friends I made. Cindy Chin took this photo of us aboard the Endeavour's 747 carrier . . .
Special thanks to Lisa Mattox, Social Media Lead, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center and John Yembrick, NASA Social Media Manager, and the rest of the wonderful NASA team who hosted us -- you made this girl's dream come true.
For more about NASA Social Media and how it was created, CLICK HERE
Next Blog: Hanging out with the guys (and gals) at the Brooklyn Book Festival . . .
Wheeeee . . . BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) is now out in paperback!
Upcoming Events:
South Dakota Festival of Books
September 26
Camelot Intermediate School, Brookings, SD
September 29
12 – 1:30 PM ~ SPECIAL EVENT — Holiday Inn, Starlite — Tea with American Girl author Lisa Yee — Lisa Yee, author of the Kanani series, will host a tea party for kids and adults that includes beverages and desserts, with a Kanani American Girl doll to be raffled at the event! TICKET REQUIRED ($15)
3 - 3:45 - WARP SPEED! Lisa Yee will be talking about her kids' novels, and strange and hilarious journey to becoming a bestselling author. FREE
October 3, 5:30 - 8:30 pm
Houston, TX -- Barnes and Noble, Vanderbilt Square
St. John's School Bookfair - open to the public
October 6
South Pasadena, CA Moon Festival
October 26 - 25
PCTELA Conference, Lancaster, PA
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