I am here . . .
Yet, because of time machine issues and whatnot, my blog is here . . .
If there's one thing that I like as much as lunch, it's candy! Here's a WONDERFUL candy store named Robitaille's in the quaint beach town of Carpinteria, CA . . .
Public Health Reminder. Visit the dentist and brush your teeth. A lot.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog.
Where were we? Oh, that's right. CANDY!!!!
How can it get any better than that, you ask? Here's how -- YES! An indie children's bookstore!!! Here's the owner of Curious Cup, Kiona Gross . . .
And here's the inside of Curious Cup Bookstore . . .
Curious Cup has only been open for about a year and already has quite a following. Congrats Kiona!
(Kiona is seen here with her new friend, Peepy.)
Hey! Speaking of indie bookstores, this is where Peepy and I, along with copies of the new paperback version of BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES), will be on August 25th!!! Come join us for Peep-tastic fun!
Wheeeee . . . BOBBY THE BRAVE (SOMETIMES) is now out in paperback!
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Lisa Yee
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