Most likely I will be blogging on Monday, unless I blog on Tuesday or Wednesday, or another day of the week. And possibly I will blog more than once a week, but maybe not. One never knows.
So then, many of you know, or don't know, or will know, that illustrator/author Dan Santat and I eat a lot. And we eat a lot with each other at lunch time, a lot.
And many times we eat with other people . . .
The other people pictured include, but are not limited to, and are in no particular order whether pictured here or in real life: Michael Reisman*, Jodi Reamer$, Jonathan Auxier*+, Tom Angleberger*, Grace Lin* +, Bob Boyle*+, Winston Swain*, Mo Willems*+, Jarrett Krosoczka*+, Brian Floca+, Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, James Burks*+, Richard Jesse Watson+, and millions more. (Here's a nifty way to say who does what: * = author, + = illustrator, $ = agent.)
The most recent venture of the Dan and Lisa Lunch Club, which I said I would blog about each time but have failed to do, was at a place called, Young Dong Garden. (Dan thought the name of the restaurant was silly and giggled through the entire meal.)
In other This and That news, my Peep and I explored Monrovia recently. The library was closed, but Peepy got to hang out with Mark Twain . . .
I know you're all "Ooooh, Peepy met a celebrity," but she's met them before. Here's Peepy telling Einstein about science . . .
Later, she goofed off . . .
We also went shopping for beloved office supplies, which is dangerous, because we tend to obsess over folders and pens and such . . .
My Peep was convinced she saw Jarrett Krosoczka at the store!
Speaking of punctuation marks (pretend we were), do you have a favorite?
Figure out which one you like best, then check HERE to see what it says about your personality type.
For the record, I picked a PERIOD.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Lisa Yee
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