Editors edit the books . . .
(Here are my editors, Cheryl Klein and Arthur Levine, having an editorial meeting.)
Booksellers sell the books . . .
(Above: Flintridge Bookstore and Coffeehouse)
But who knows what books are out there -- before they are even out there???
Why, that would be Roz Hilden . . .
And what if you're a kid and want to buy a book at school?
Who can help you with that? Why, Heather Biggs can help you.
Recently, SCBWI and Scholastic got together for an informal gathering of Scholastic authors to meet with Roz, Regional Sales Rep for Scholastic, and Heather my area Scholastic Book Fairs person.
The event was held at Vroman's in Pasadena . . .
Exactly, to this minute, one year ago-ish, I had a double book launch at Vroman's . . .
Here's what happened then.
For this recent event at Vroman's, Peepy and I brought homemade snacks . . .
(Okay, so maybe they weren't totally homemade.)
It was fun to see illustrator Joe Cepeda and author Alexis O'Neill . . .
Candace Ryan, who's the SCBWI PAL (published and listed) member liaison, put the evening together . . .
Vroman's Children's Department manager, Morgan Turnage, welcomed us . . .
And then Heather and Roz told us about Book Fairs and Sales, and answered our 12,004-1/2 questions . . .
(Peepy started to ask a question, but answered it herself. Hence, the 1/2.)
Here's a Scholastic Book Fair I was at a few months ago . . .
Once the Scholastic authors were all questioned out, we hobnobbed and signed stock . . .
Oh, and everyone paid homage to my Peep. Here's Lin Oliver, author and SCBWI Executive Director . . .
Roz and I will be at the LA TIMES FESTIVAL OF BOOKS again this year.
For some of the fun from last year, CLICK HERE and HERE.
(During a break from the book festival, Dan Santat struggled to ignore Mo Willems.)
Hey, did you hear that Scholastic is publishing a bio of Jeremy Lin?
It's true! And guess who's quoted in USA TODAY about it? Here's a hint: ME!!!! CLICK HERE to read the article.
BTW, recently on Twitter Eisner winner Raina Telgemeier and I were tweeing about being an introverts.
(That's Raina, above.)
I know many people think that I'm outgoing, and I can be, but I am also a total introvert. Here's an interview from a couple of years ago where I attempt to explain why being an introvert doesn't necessarily mean that I am shy.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Upcoming Events . . .
On March 31, I'll be in Northampton, MA for the River's Family Music Meltdown and Book Bash. To hear a radio promo of the event, CLICK HERE.
In April, you can find me here . . .
Lisa Yee
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