Dinners were held in American Girl's own fancy dining room where everyone was treated like royalty, even the dolls . . .
Of course, all the eating meant that exercise was also on the menu . . .
(True confession: I had every good intention of exercising every day, but I was too busy eating and relaxing to follow through. However, Peepy managed to work out on the ship and keep her girlish figure.)
Since the girls were given our American Girl books, we had a couple of autograph sessions. Here are authors Mary Casanova and Valerie Tripp . . .
I signed KANANI books, and so many of the girls were already knew about Kanani's efforts to help save the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.
When writing Kanani's stories, I went to Kauai and met with experts, and learned that there are only about 1,100 Hawaiian monk seals left . . .
There's good news though -- over in Kona, Hawaii, the world's first rehabilitation hospital for sick or injured Monk seals is being built by the Marine Mammal Center!
Just as we finished our autograph session, our ship, the Celebrity Eclipse, approached San Juan, Puerto Rico . . .
That evening, the hardworking Team American Girl got take time out for dinner on shore . . .
Peep and I had a fabulous dinner with author Valerie and Mary, and American Girl V.P. and host of the cruise, Shawn Dennis. Can you stop the difference between these two groups of people?
That's right! Valerie (left) and Mary (right) are in both photos, and I'm in one, and Shawn's in the other. It's true what they say about you -- you are so smart.
Now, I don't want you to think that I wasn't writing when I was on the cruise. Quite the contrary, I was working very hard.
Next Blog: More hard work, this time in St. Kitt's, plus backstage at an American Girl fashion show
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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